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body contouring

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RenaSculpt Neo Body Contouring

Treat multiple areas with multiple modalities in just one session! Give yourself the body you deserve with treatments that blast away fat, tone and build muscle and don’t require you to go under the knife. RenaSculpt Neo's Non-surgical body contouring gives you a sexy shape without any surgery or downtime. Does that sound too good to be true? It can be your reality with treatments that target fat that trim your stubborn spots while simultaneously toning your muscles for a more defined, chiseled look.

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Any 4 Session Package

Workout smarter, not harder with our RenaSculpt Neo HI-FEM treatments. This non-surgical body contouring service is a revolutionary type of body contouring therapy that reduces fat under the skin without going under the knife while simultaneously toning and increasing muscle mass. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how diligently you stick with a diet and exercise plan; you can’t shift stubborn fat. Non-surgical RenaSculpt Neo body contouring can give your body the extra push it needs to bust through weight loss plateaus and achieve the spot fat reduction you want. Benefits include:

  • No Incisions

  • No Scarring 

  • No Fibrosis

  • No Surgery

  • No Downtime

  • Permanently Reduces Fat Cells

  • Increase and Tones Muscles

  • Gets Rid of Stubborn Fat Resistant to Diet & Exercise  

​Results can be seen immediately after treatment. However, it is important to keep in mind that the true results of these treatments will continue to be seen in the weeks and months following your treatment as your body gradually gets rid of the fat cells that were affected during the treatment naturally through your own body's lymphatic system. The most distinct changes occur with four treatment sessions and happen in conjunction with healthy lifestyle habits. Those who stick to a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise tend to enjoy the best results.


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Any 4 Session Package

One Area, Four Session Package

Get the best results* by targeting one area with four treatment sessions spaced 3-10 days apart. Each 30 min. treatment procedure is equivalent to 20,000 repetions that on average show:

  • 30% reduction of fat

  • 25% more muscle

  • 19% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti)

  • 9 cm (2.3 inches) loss in waistline circumference

  • 30% increase in satellite cells – stem cell precursors to new muscle cells

  • Muscle changes similar to a 6-month workout regimen

non-invasive body sculpting package

Two Areas, Four SessionPackage

Get the best results* by targeting TWO areas with four treatment sessions spaced 3-10 days apart. Each 30 min. treatment procedure is equivalent to 20,000 repetions that on average show:

  • 30% reduction of fat

  • 25% more muscle

  • 19% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti)

  • 9 cm (2.3 inches) loss in waistline circumference

  • 30% increase in satellite cells – stem cell precursors to new muscle cells

  • Muscle changes similar to a 6-month workout regimen

Brazilian Butt Lift, Four Session Package

 Looking to plump and lift your butt without surgery or needles? RenaSculpt Neo  is the latest and most popular non-invasive butt lifting treatment in the industry. With four quick visits scheduled 3-10 days apart, you can achieve that bikini-ready booty that you’ve been wanting! Two paddles are placed on the buttocks where energy is delivered and stimulates the muscle which triggers contractions. The contractions stimulate the supra-maximal muscles, which cannot usually be targeted during physical workouts.

Your body responds to the treatment by straining tissue fibers in order to create new tissue fibers, which creates growth. It also makes your butt and muscles stronger, giving it a lift effect where each session is equal to doing 20,000 squats. A great treatment for your lunch break!

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One Area, One Session

Choose one area to target stubborn fat deposits while stimulating target muscles for a more defined, chiseled look. Perfect for anyone that needs and extra push through a diet/fitness plateau or for maintenance sessions months apart or as needed only after the initial recommended number of treatments have been performed.

Two Areas, One Session

Choose two areas to target stubborn fat deposits while stimulating target muscles to achieve a more toned appearance. Perfect for anyone that needs and extra push through a diet/fitness plateau or for maintenance sessions months apart or as needed only after the initial recommended number of treatments have been performed.




RenaSculpt Neo ® is the first nonsurgical, non-invasive treatment of its kind. It uses high-intensity, focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology with radiofrequency (RF) technology to stimulate muscle contractions, which helps build muscle mass and burn fat. Muscles are forced to contract in the extreme conditions caused by supramaximal muscle contractions. RenaSculpt Neo is an FDA-approved device that combines RF (radio frequency) with HIFEM (magnetic Tesla energy) to reduce fat and build muscle!

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